So, I've left the beautiful English countryside for the sunny streets of Los Angeles!
I've lived in England all my life and was very lucky to live in a beautiful Chiltern Hills in Buckinghamshire for most of it, so moving to the inner city of LA couldn't be further from what I'm used to. But I'm 32 years old, and I regularly remind myself that life is not a dress rehearsal and although my husband and I discussed this big move at great lengths before we made the final decision, I'd rather give it a try, hate it and come home, than regret not being brave enough to try something different, later in my life!
We've been here less than a week and I'm approaching everything with an open mind and trying to take everything in! The most overwhelming difference here is the people. They smile, a lot! People genuinely seem very happy. If you pass some one in a residential street or hold a door for some one they say hello and thank you with a smile. When we first went to the supermarket they were playing music and I noticed a girl vivaciously tapping her foot to the music whilst perusing the shelves. Further on into the supermarket, I came across her again and by now she was full on shaking her hips and singing to the music whilst picking her groceries. It was a revelation to see some one so cheerful, even whilst doing her food shop and no one around seemed to notice, or think this was at all an odd behaviour. In England, if I came across someone dancing and singing in cereal aisle in Sainsbury's, I'd walk past quickly giving said person a wide birth!
Every person I've interacted with, be it at the checkout, in a restaurant or taxi, seems to genuinely like making conversation and I haven't heard anyone complain about anything - yet!
Maybe it's the weather? Maybe there's something in the water? But whatever it is, it seems infectious...
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